Auto Insurance | Boizelle Insurance Partnership - Page 4

Tips to Remain Safe While Sharing the Road With Motorcyclists

Millions of people embark on the open road on their motorcycles every year.

While riding a motorcycle can have an element of thrill, it can also present danger. Riding a motorcycle is much less safe than driving a car or a truck. In fact, estimate from the federal government show that the number of deaths per mile traveled on motorcycles was 29 times the number deaths in cars in 2019.

While there’s the obvious risk from lack of bodily protection a person has while on a motorcycle, it’s important to understand that other drivers on the road play a role as well.

According to the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, over half of all motorcycle accidents resulting in fatalities involve another vehicle. More alarming is that, most of the time, it’s the fault of the driver of the car or truck, not the driver of the motorcycle.

As drivers of cars and trucks, we have a responsibility to be aware of motorcyclists on the road. Here are a few things we can remember when we’re on the road:

Be aware of motorcyclists during the warmer months. Being aware of your surroundings is a surefire way to stay safe on the road. And keeping a mental note that you’ll likely see someone on a motorcycle when the weather is warm may be helpful in keeping both you and the motorcyclist safe.

Check your blind spots. Being that motorcycles are much smaller than cars or trucks, they’re not as easy to see. Regularly checking your blind spots before turning or changing lanes can help to keep motorcyclists safe and will keep you safe from making a terrible mistake.

Don’t get too close. As with other cars on the road, you should always maintain a safe distance between yourself and motorcycles. To be extra careful, consider increasing the distance between your car and a motorcycle. Motorcycles can come to a complete stop much more quickly than a car can. Don’t tailgate!

Stay in your lane. Motorcycles are allowed to use full lanes. Don’t try to share a lane with them. Keep your distance.

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Signs to Look Out for When Your Car Battery Needs to Be Replaced

Your car battery plays a crucial role in granting you the ability to navigate through everyday life in today’s society. The battery provides the source of energy needed for all of the other electrical components of your car to function properly as well. Like everything in life, a battery’s lifespan is finite and will need to be replaced at some point down the line. Here are five signs that indicate your car battery may need to be replaced.

You have difficulty starting the ignition/turning over the engine.

Having a hard time getting your car to start may be an indication that it is time to replace your battery. As a car ages, the components that allow the car to function properly become less effective. As a result, it takes more time for the battery to receive a charge from the alternator. In other words, it takes the engine more time to turn over. As with anything in life, procrastinating, especially when you see warning signs that something needs to be done, could result in costs that could have been avoided had to taken action earlier. If you try to turn the engine over and hear a clicking sound, it’s likely that your car battery is already dead. The safest action to take is to take your car to an experienced mechanic at the first signs of trouble.

Dashboard lights and lighting issues.

Do you ever notice any icons on your dashboard being illuminated? If so, do not ignore them. This is your car trying to tell you that something is wrong. Oftentimes, there may be an issue with battery or one of the car’s computers. Whenever you notice one of these signs, consult a mechanic to be safe.

Another indication there may be a problem with your car’s battery is that your headlights are dimmer than usual. In order to ensure your safety while driving, make sure that you consult a mechanic as soon as you see any signs of trouble with your car.

Electrical malfunctions.

Your car battery is responsible for providing power to all of the electrical components of your car. So, if your battery is weakened, it may result in malfunctions of anything that relies on electrical power to run. For example, if your power windows or door locks suddenly doesn’t seem like it’s responding normally, your battery may be on its last legs. If you notice any unusual occurrences related to electrical functions with your vehicle, it’s time to have a mechanic take an extensive look.

Poor performance in cold weather.

Generally speaking, car batteries do not perform well when it’s cold. Batteries tend to not have as long of a lifespan in cold weather due to the fact that they need to have maximum flow of energy due to slow-moving engine oil. If you’re not careful, your battery can actually freeze. Consider having your car battery replaced before the cold season.

Strange odor.

If you notice a foul smell coming from your car, it may be an indication of a failing battery. A smell similar to that of rotten eggs means that a battery is leaking gas. Batteries contain sulfuric acid that can leak out if a battery is damaged. Sulfuric acid is extremely dangerous and, if not disposed of immediately, has the potential to corrode other parts of your car. If you notice a foul smell coming from your car, it’s best to take it to a maintenance garage to have a professional take a look at it right away.

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Do I Have Coverage If I Purchase a New Car Over the Weekend?

If you are a current customer that holds an auto insurance policy with ERIE, you can rest assured that, if you purchase a new car over the weekend when offices are closed, your vehicle is automatically covered. Although you do have coverage for your new vehicle, there are a number of important facts you should be aware of.

Coverage for an old vehicle never simply goes away when you trade in or purchase a new one. If your new car is titled in your name, your auto insurance coverage will carry over.

When you purchase a new vehicle to be added to your auto policy, it is covered.

When coverage is rolled over to a new car, you get the broadest coverage possible. What this means is the policy that contains the most coverage that is listed on your current policy is what will be applied to your new car.

Here’s a scenario to explain this situation in more detail. You’re married with a son or daughter who is of legal driving age. Your spouse’s new car is covered with the highest limits and multiple endorsements. However, you chose to not give your teenager the same coverages because they are driving a much older, high mileage vehicle. When you purchase the new car, the broadest coverage that is currently listed on your policy is what will be applied to your new vehicle, as stated above.

Here are a few exceptions to be aware of:

If your car is not insured with a policy from ERIE, your coverages will not automatically roll over to your new car. You must have a current ERIE policy to get this coverage. It’s best to call us at 301-948-2010 to speak with one of our licensed professionals to help you add the car to your policy before you drive off the dealership lot to go home.

If you buy a motorcycle or an RV, coverages will not roll over. The rollover only applies when you are purchasing a vehicle of the same type. To put it plainly, motorcycles and RVs are not sedans, so the rollover would not apply in such a case.

If someone at the car dealerships requests that you verify your insurance coverage before giving you the keys to your new ride, you can access you can access your auto ID card directly from your online account or your mobile app. You can also call us to have one of our agents email you a copy of your ID card.

If you are not exactly sure what kind of car you want to purchase, it’s best to call one of our agents to discuss possible makes and models of vehicles you are considering. One of our agents can tell you how the cost of your insurance premium will be affected based upon the kind of car you buy. They can also offer suggestions on how to save money on your auto insurance.

Once you purchase your new vehicle, here are three types of coverage you should be aware of:

Liability coverage: Inform us of your newly purchased vehicle before your current policy expires. If you buy the vehicle within 30 days of the end of your policy period, report that to us within 60 days of getting your car.

Comprehensive and collision coverage: When coverages roll over from an existing policy, the lowest deductible applies. If you didn’t have comprehensive and collision coverage on your policy for your old vehicle, coverages will apply, but you’re still responsible for a $500 deductible. Coverages cease seven days after acquisition of the vehicle or once your report it to us.

Here’s what we’ll need to know about your new car:

What is the year, make and model of the vehicle?

How many miles are you expecting to drive the car in one calendar year?

How far do you typically drive for work or for pleasure?

The vehicle identification number (VIN)

Titling and lienholder information for the vehicle

If I buy a new car, will my insurance cost increase?

New cars cost more than used cars, so they tend to cost more to insure. However, you can pay less for your insurance if you have a safe driving record or if your newly acquired vehicle has certain safety features installed.

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The Biggest Distraction While Driving May Not Be What You Think

You may think that just because you’re not under the influence of any drugs or alcohol, you are safe to drive. While drinking or operating a motor vehicle after having consumed drugs is extremely dangerous, driving when you’re sleepy is also risky.

When you’re tired, your judgment is impaired. Such instances as slow reaction times, drifting from lane to lane, driving at dangerous fast or even slow speeds…this only puts you and others around you in more danger.

Every year, it is reported that drivers are involved in thousands of crashes related to drowsiness. While these incidents cost billions of dollars in damages and medical expenses, some of these incidents turn tragic, resulting in loss of life. Here’s what you can do to help prevent yourself from being involved in such a terrible situation.

In 2017, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that drowsy drivers caused 91,000 reported accidents to the police. Even more, in 2019, drowsy driving caused nearly 700 deaths.

According the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, being awake for 18 hours straight is the same as having a blood alcohol level of .05%. And being awake for 24 hours straight bumps that number all the way up to .1. The legal blood alcohol content level in most states is .08. And while it’s not illegal to drive while drowsy, if you do so, you are still putting yourself and other drivers on the road at serious risk of harm. Finally, the CDC reports that people who slept 6 hours or less each day were more likely to fall asleep behind the wheel.

Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere. It’s also true, however, that certain factors make it more likely for an incident like this to occur.

Crashes due to drowsy-driving occur most frequently between midnight and 6:00 AM—or in the late afternoon. This makes sense since this is also the time of day when our circadian rhythm, which regulates our sleeping patterns, falls.

Believe it or not, people driving alone are more likely to be involved in these kinds of crashes. Another finding is that these kinds of accidents typically involve the driver run their car off the road at high speeds without braking.

Rural roads and highways are the areas in which these types of accidents mostly occur.

According to the Sleep Foundation, symptoms of drowsy driving include daydreaming, realizing that you can’t remember the last several miles you traveled, missing a sign or an exit, tailgating, problems maintaining the speed limit, and restlessness, irritability, or aggressiveness.

If you want to avoid drowsy driving, there are a number of actions or measures you can take. First, get enough sleep. That’s pretty clear. If you’re planning a road trip, be sure to get a good night’s sleep the night before you leave. Alcohol consumption before or during driving a car is a big “no-no” and it’s illegal. Most everyone is already aware of this. What some people may pay less attention to is driving while under the influence of medications. Be sure to read the labels of your prescription bottles and consult your doctor before you decide to drive your car. Some medications may contribute to side effects that include sleepiness or drowsiness.

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