June, 2020 | Boizelle Insurance Partnership

Benefits of Having Erie Auto Insurance

We’re no longer living in an age where owning a car is not a necessity. As Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it”. Thankfully, our cars are able to get us from Point A to Point B with relative ease. By purchasing your auto insurance through ERIE, you’ll get a number of amazing benefits that will give you the peace of mind you deserve, so you can live your life the way you want to.

Multi-Policy Discount: When you bundle your home and auto insurance with Erie, you may be eligible for the multi-policy discount. This discount does not only apply to combining your home and auto coverage. For example, if you renting a home or if you own a condo instead of a home, you can combine one of these policies with your auto insurance.

ERIE Rate Lock: This feature can be added to your auto policy at any time. It gives you the opportunity to pay the same rate for your auto insurance every year. If you’re involved in an accident, your rate will not increase until you make certain changes to your policy. For example, your rate can change if you add a new car to your policy, add another driver like a son or daughter, or if you change your address.

ERIE Auto Plus: With this endorsement, you can cover all of the vehicles listed on your auto policy for up to $35 per policy. For every year you don’t file a claim, your deductible will decrease by $100 each year up to a maximum amount of $500.

Pets: We all love our furry friends! And we all dread the idea of them getting hurt. If your pet is injured in a covered auto accident, Erie will cover the costs of vet bills up to $500 per pet (maximum of 2 pets for a total limit of $1,000).

YourTurn: Are you a competitive person? Are you ready to put your safe-driving skills to the test? When you and other drivers in your family sign up to use ERIE’s YourTurn Phone App, you’ll be able to track and keep records of your family members’ scores, latest locations, trip details and streaks. Let the games begin!

New Auto Security: With ERIE’s New Auto Security endorsement, you have the opportunity to have your new vehicle (or 2015 vehicle that’s “new” to them) replaced without worry of depreciation. If your vehicle is deemed a total loss and you had a lease or a loan still on the vehicle, Erie will cover the difference between the actual cash value of the vehicle and what was still owed on the lease/loan. This is known as gap coverage on your auto policy.

Rental Cars: If you file a claim for a covered accident or loss, ERIE can offer Transportation Expense Coverage. This coverage is meant to cover you for the duration you don’t have access to your damaged vehicle.

Full Payment Discount: If you are able to pay your auto insurance premium in full up front, ERIE has a discount available for you.

Roadside Service: If you’re ever in a situation where your vehicle breaks down and you’re stranded, for around $5 per vehicle, you can add this coverage. This coverage gives you that added peace of mind knowing ERIE will save the day should something unexpected happen.

55+ Driving Discount: For all of your years of safe driving, ERIE wants to reward you. Call us to discuss this offer with one of our agents today.

Reduced Usage Discount: If you plan to store your vehicle for 90 consecutive days or more, ERIE can offer you a discount in most states (Not available in Kentucky).

Accident Prevention Course: Refreshing your driving skills if you’re 55 years old or older may make you eligible for a discount on your auto insurance policy.


Call us at 301-948-2010 to discuss your auto insurance coverage today! Also, be sure to follow us on our Facebook and Instagram pages! Just search Boizelle Insurance Partnership on Facebook and follow @boizelleinsurance on Instagram! We’re here for you!

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Have Some Fun at Home During the Quarantine!

We are living in uncertain times. With the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus, families all over the country have been told to practice safe social-distancing and quarantine. Although these actions have been deemed necessary by world leaders, it still leaves us wondering when our lives can and will return to some semblance of normalcy. It is not uncommon – in these times – to feel down or depressed. So, it’s important to surround yourself with those you love. If you live alone, do the best you can to reach out to a friend or a loved one. If you know an elder who struggles to move around or who lives alone, consider bringing them groceries. We may not be able to have physical human contact right now, which is oh so important to our mental health and overall well-being, but we can take advantage of our technological advances. Pick up the phone and call someone, schedule a zoom meeting with your friends, FaceTime your grandparents, WhatsApp your in-laws. We can all do more to stay connected to each other.

Take a virtual trip at home

With travel restrictions in place and our own fears of contracting COVID-19, perhaps it’s time to try another way to see your favorite vacation destination. At least, until things return to normal. The Internet is an extremely effective and powerful tool that we have today. It allows us to see places all over the world we never even imagined. We can even see Antarctica if we wanted to! Okay, okay…you probably don’t want to imagine yourself in such a cold place. Maybe something far warmer, with the sun beaming down upon you. The Caribbean? Pretty much anything is possible with the Internet.

What to eat and drink while we’re all stuck at home

If you need some help deciding what to cook at home during quarantine, there are several tools you can use for some inspiration. YouTube videos are a great way to find recipes you enjoy. You can follow along with your favorite dishes and create something truly spectacular for yourself or your loved ones! While you’re in the kitchen making pasta and meatballs, why not turn on a little Frank Sinatra to really brighten the mood?

Wine Happy Hour

Since you’re away from your friends, why not buy a bottle of a wine and create a zoom meeting where you can interact with your friends? If you’re like me, you can talk about how much you miss baseball or going out to the movies. Sitting in your seat at the ballpark with a sausage and peppers sandwich on a toasted hoagie roll with mustard…an ice-coke to wash it all down! And don’t forget the chili dogs, nachos and peanuts! Who else misses Nationals’ baseball? **tear**

What to watch at home during quarantine

If there’s ever been a legitimate excuse to binge-watch your favorite shows, now’s the time! If you’re a comic-book or superhero enthusiast like me, Arrow and The Flash are great! If you have the STARZ channel, you can still watch Spartacus if you rent of buy the seasons or episodes. Unfortunately, it’s no longer on Netflix. Tiger King has proven to be an extremely popular choice!


Play with your pets

Our Frenchie has never been happier! Usually, we need to wake up and leave for work in the morning. Because we’re all working from home right now, she’s the happiest dog in the world!

How to stay in shape during quarantine

Gyms have been said to be some of the most risky places to be right now. Typically, germs are everywhere because as people are exercising, they sweat. And…yeah. It can get pretty nasty! When gyms finally open again, I think everyone is going to see cleansing wipes at every workout station around. Could that become the new normal? Going back to YouTube, it’s a wonderful source to find workout videos that you can follow along to. I know that a lot of people like to use weights when they work out. If you don’t have access to them right now, buy some gallons of milk and do some lifting exercises. Stretch bands and yoga are also really great! You can find step-by-step yoga instructional videos on YouTube that you can follow along to. If you’re having a hard day, you can also find videos with a focus on meditation to help you bring your mind back to a sense of tranquility and peace. My wife and I like to light candles or burn incense to create a more relaxing atmosphere. It’s almost like being in a spa!

Reward your children for completing chores

As I was researching information for this blog, I came across a fantastic idea! Since we’re all at home, perhaps it’s a good idea assign certain tasks to your children during the quarantine. To make it more fun, have a family movie night, but create a movie theater atmosphere where you have popcorn and candy. Make movie tickets that your kids can buy with the money they earned from doing their chores. It’s a great learning experience where your kids can learn the value of completing a job well and getting rewarded for it!


Remember, you’re not alone in this. Let’s all stay connected to each other!


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