More one and a half million drivers are involved in deer collision every year, causing nearly $1 billion in damage to vehicles, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
What about the all too common stories that everyone has seemed to have heard about deer collisions? Are the stories true?
6 Common Myths About Deer
Myth: Deer are more active at sunrise and sunset.
It’s possible to encounter deer at any time of day. However, dusk and dawn are their most prominent hours of activity. Deer tend to move most frequently during twilight. If you are driving as the sun is either rising or setting, be sure to be especially cautious behind the wheel.
Myth: It is more likely that you will hit a deer during the fall season.
Almost half of all vehicle collisions involving deer occur between October and December which also happens to be deer mating season as well as peak hunting season. So, be extra cautious on the roads during these months.
Myth: Deer whistles can help prevent collisions.
There has never been evidence to suggest that deer whistles effectively prevent collisions. In fact, a study at the University of Georgia discovered that no matter how loud or how high-pitched the frequency of the sound from the whistle, the sound wasn’t enough to change the deer’s behavior.
Myth: Hitting a deer is not that dangerous.
Any collision, whether it’s with a deer, a wall or another vehicle can be dangerous. However, deer collisions tend to be more of an inconvenience than a clear and present danger. Of course, you should never be driving down the road fifty miles above the speed limit anyway. If you hit a deer at that speed, you’ll have a much bigger problem on your hands. Also important to remember is to know when to swerve and when to stay in your lane. Always be aware of the other cars on the road because you never want to be anyone else in danger.
Myth: More deer are present where you see “deer crossing” signs.
Whenever you see a deer crossing sign, understand that it’s there for a reason. These signs are also usually placed in areas with less than optimal road conditions and decreased visibility.
Myth: If I hit a deer, I can take home the meat.
It depends.
Depending on the state, it might be illegal to take a dead deer home with you. Check with your local authorities before removing the animal from the road.
Does My Auto Insurance Cover Hitting a Deer?
If you have what’s referred to as comprehensive coverage on your auto policy, you will be covered if and when you collide with a deer.