Blog | Boizelle Insurance Partnership - Page 55

New Year’s Resolutions for 2020

As each new year begins, all of us take some time to reflect. We reflect on our goals, our accomplishments, and how our lives have changed. Perhaps you had a goal to go the gym three times a week. Or maybe, you told yourself you were going to travel more. Whatever the case may be, we all have different goals, different needs, and it’s up to us as individuals to have the discipline and tenacity to stay focused on what we need to do to make our lives better for ourselves and our families.

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How Does Insurance Cover Parking Lot Accidents

The holiday season is nearly here, which means many shoppers will be driving in and out of store parking lots for the better part of a month. All that activity can up anyone’s chances of being in a parking lot accident. Which may lead you to wonder: How does insurance cover parking lot accidents?

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How Insurance Can Protect You Through the Years

They say that the only constant in life is change. And that’s true whether you’re 18, 80 or somewhere in between.

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