Blog | Boizelle Insurance Partnership - Page 52

What We Can Do To Become Happier In the New Year

As is a common tradition in the United States, as well as many other places around the world, countless individuals look to the new year as a means to flush out the negative energies or bad practices they may have had in their lives the previous year. Others may seek to continue strongly their positive pursuit of happiness. This begs us to ask a least a few questions of ourselves: How do we as individuals define our own happiness? What is true happiness? And is it even possible to achieve? Let’s discuss.

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Here’s What You Can Do If You’re Living With Someone Who Has COVID-19

It’s happened. Coronavirus has entered your home. You can’t seem to fathom how this could be possible. You’ve been washing your hands religiously, maintaining social-distancing guidelines, and have wiped down your surfaces over and over again. Still, it happened. Now is not the time to despair. It’s time to take care of your loved one and protect yourself at the same time. You may observe certain symptoms like a dry cough, extreme fatigue, and loss of a sense of smell or taste among others. Just as when anyone becomes ill, even if it’s not necessarily with COVID19, it’s a good idea to keep your distance until they get tested. Here’s what you should do:

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What To Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident

The sudden nature of a car accident can leave us alarmed, stressed, and disoriented. Hit-and-Run accidents may be even more startling because you have the guilty party fleeing the scene of an accident. This is against the law and is considered a crime.

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How to Lower Your Energy Costs During Winter

Do you ever notice your Pepco bill seems to be a bit higher in the colder months? That’s probably because you’re cranking up the heat in your home. Don’t worry. It’s perfectly normal to see a difference in expenses when comparing fall and winter to spring and summer. Just in case you were wondering about ways to lower your energy bills during the winter, read on…

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