When was the last time you reviewed your insurance policies? Circumstances in life change all the time. And although we may not be able to know what the future holds for us with absolute certainty, we can make smart decisions that will put us in the best possible position financially. Here are five reasons why you should review your insurance policies at least once a year.
- Manage Your Personal Life Changes
Getting married
Getting divorced
Your child is leaving home
Starting a new job
Starting a new business
Starting a family
Having your elderly parents move into your home with you
Purchase or receive an expensive gift
Death in your immediate family
Paying off your mortgage
- Ensure Appropriate Coverage
As changes in your life occur, so too should your insurance coverage. Review your insurance policies at least once a year, so that if you have gaps in certain areas of your coverage, those areas can be addressed by one of our insurance professionals. We can help you add any supplemental insurance coverages or additional policies.
Sometimes, state laws can change. That means that minimum required insurance coverages can change. To make sure you always have enough coverage, call us so we can keep you in the clear and give you the peace of mind you deserve.
- You Buy Or Sell Property Or Possessions
Let’s say you just sold your home and are either downsizing or renting. Naturally, the won’t need as much insurance coverage as you had previously. The same thing goes for when you sell a valuable possession like a piece of jewelry or maybe a valuable piece of art.
- Remodeling Your Home Or Adding On
Whenever you make an addition to your home, naturally, that is going to increase the value of your home. Therefore, you should be ready to update your insurance coverage to make sure these new additions are properly covered.
- Take Advantage Of Discounts
If you choose to bundle both your home and auto insurance, you may be eligible for discounts. There are a number of different ways to save money on your insurance. Everything from adding a newer vehicle with more advanced safety features, to providing proof that you are driving much less nowadays, we may be able to help you save considerable amounts on your policies.